- [越缇纺织动态]How much do you know about digital printing - Yuetimei2022年09月24日 16:35
- Scarf printing manufacturers -- manufacturers that customize silk scarves to improve the sample drawings and color fineness -- order products with complicated design patterns. Digital printing has become increasingly sound in the industry of silk scarves customization, and technical reform is also continuing. If you have requirements for customized silk scarves, warmly welcome to call Shaoxing Yueti Textile Garments Co., Ltd., where the enterprise integrates scheme design - one-stop customization of finished products, uses 30 digital printing technology, environmental protection color paste, 20000 pieces per day, and calls 13957526630
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- [越缇纺织动态]关于数码印花,你了解多少呢——越缇美2022年09月24日 16:33
- 围巾印花厂家——订制真丝围巾的样图与色调细腻度提高围巾印花厂家——设计图案繁琐的订商品,数码印花的反应灵敏数码印花早已在真丝围巾定制这一行业中日渐健全,技术性的改革也是在持续开展。假如您对定制真丝围巾有要求,热烈欢迎拨打绍兴越缇纺织服饰有限公司,企业集方案设计-成品一站式定制,采用30数码印花技术性,环境保护色浆,日常2万条,电话13957526630
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- [越缇纺织动态]Zhejiang silk scarves are customized. There is such a manufacturer that you can know about -- Yuetimei2022年09月22日 15:28
- In order to resist this kind of tepid weather, people can choose scarves as the exterior to resist the cold. What requirements can the manufacturer make? As we said before, we have been customizing the specifications. We also have inspection reports to distinguish the true from the false. Therefore, we also guarantee that you will not be worried if it is not a low-quality product.
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- [越缇纺织动态]浙江丝巾订制,有这样一家厂家你可以了解一下——越缇美2022年09月22日 15:26
- 为了抵御这类不温不火的天气,大家能选围巾做为外部来抵御寒冷。厂家能做什么样的要求?就像我们前面说的规格,我们一直在订制,大家在订制的时候用的商品也有检验报告来区分真假,因此我们也有保障,不会让你担忧要不是劣质产品。
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- [越缇纺织动态]私人订制丝巾价格,定制你的风格——越缇美2022年09月19日 16:42
- 订制围巾的价钱众所周知,我们能连接厂家开展批量订制,可是私人定制丝巾价钱,难道也是这么便宜吗?私人定制丝巾价格也是你觉得贵的,其实呢我们现在的人的生活品质也比以前高了,现在我们关注的是生命,不是存活!
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- [越缇纺织动态]桑蚕丝丝巾订制,找到合适的厂家定制——越缇美2022年09月18日 16:44
- 桑蚕丝丝巾定制,其实在大家浙江绍兴这里的厂家是非常多的,像我们越缇做围巾订制这一块是已经有13年的路程的,从开始的不成熟到现在的完善系统,5S管理,及其完善的配套设施,我们也是在不断地在探索,期待自己做的是越来越好,就好比我们的这个客户,我们为他排好版,将我们解决方案给他,使他参照,及其什么样的包装,什么样材质,做工,怎么样的礼盒,我们怎么供货,如何打样,及其我们有什么样的服务,在客户知道以后连连称赞,感觉我们的服务一方面是全面,一方面是仔细。
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- [越缇纺织动态]How much does a silk scarf cost? The difference between the manufacturer's price and the market price -- Yuetimei2022年09月17日 14:22
- So why do I say how much a silk scarf costs? The market price is not the manufacturer's price. How much is a silk scarf? Please consult the manufacturer and give you a complete plan. Why do silk scarves of the same material and size have different prices. If the manufacturer's price is customized, the manufacturer will give you the price, not the market price.
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- [越缇纺织动态]要一条真丝围巾多少钱,厂家价格与市场价格的区别——越缇美2022年09月17日 14:20
- 因此为什么我要说要一条真丝围巾多少钱,市场价不是厂家的价钱。要一条真丝围巾多少钱,来咨询厂家,给你一个完整的方案。为何一样材料一样尺寸的真丝围巾价钱不一样。厂家的价钱,假如是定做的,厂家给你的是价格,而非市场价。
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- [越缇纺织动态]Jiangsu silk scarf manufacturer, find the manufacturer to customize this one - Yuetimei2022年09月15日 16:41
- If you want to choose the manufacturers of Suzhou silk scarves, or the manufacturers of scarves that can save time and effort, I have summarized the elements here, and we can share them together! It depends on the specific performance of the delivery date: the delivery date can show whether the manufacturer has a detailed and reasonable layout, and has the ability to deal with many things in front of him!
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- [越缇纺织动态]江苏真丝围巾厂家,找厂家定制选这家—越缇美2022年09月15日 16:16
- 想选择苏州真丝丝巾生产厂家,或者省时省力订制围巾的生产商,我这儿汇总了是个要素,我们能一起来共享一下!看他的供货日期如何具体表现:供货日期能够看到生产商是不是有详尽的布局合理,在面多一些事情眼前的应对工作能力!
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- [越缇纺织动态]羊毛红色围巾厂家,给你一条龙的服务——越缇美2022年09月14日 16:30
- 天气越来越冷,所以现在大多数人的需求都是羊毛或者羊绒围巾。哪些款式比较流行?羊毛红色围巾厂家会给你看我们的建议! 羊毛红色围巾厂家,下半年,厚围巾的销量比较好,尤其是羊绒、羊毛、仿羊绒。这三种围巾都是客户搜索比较多的,所以对于想定制或者批发的人来说,无论是哪种客户,都要选择有一定保障的厂家才敢合作,那么冬季羊毛围巾厂家怎么看才知道有没有保障呢? 关于如何选择羊毛红色围巾厂家,我们应该也可以在市场上找到各种各样的制造商,那么我们可以信任哪个制造商呢?因为无论如何选择冬季羊毛围
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- [越缇纺织动态]真丝丝巾厂家批发,国庆的丝巾在哪里买——越缇美2022年09月13日 15:49
- 真丝丝巾厂家直销,其实从几十块到几百元不等。市场中的一般比真丝丝巾厂家直销的价钱要贵,因为里面包含的价钱也有店面费,房租,水电费等等,所以价格会更高,但在商品上则会更贵,可事实上产品本身并不贵,只是价格行情过高,只要我们家是做围巾的,因此这方面比较专业,无论是材料还是价钱都有一定的分析能力,各位小伙伴也一定要擦亮眼睛哦!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Where is the cashmere scarf made? The manufacturer will tell you - yuetimi2022年09月12日 16:22
- How to customize or wholesale the cashmere scarf of Zheng Zong? Most of the customers' feedback is in Inner Mongolia, where wool and cashmere scarves are produced. It is now well known that Inner Mongolia is now closed due to the epidemic. As we all know, most of the manufacturers of customized scarves are in Zhejiang, especially real silk. For example, you said where to find cashmere scarves nationwide. I said that we are in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, so can't we make cashmere scarves?
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- [越缇纺织动态]羊绒围巾哪里产的,厂家告诉你——越缇美2022年09月12日 16:20
- 如何定制或批发到zheng宗的羊绒围巾?大部分客户的反映都在内蒙古,那边出产羊毛羊绒围巾。如今众所周知,由于疫情,内蒙古如今处在封闭状态。众所周知,订制围巾的厂家大多在浙江,特别是真丝。比如,大家,你说全国羊绒围巾哪里找,我讲大家在浙江绍兴,因此我们不能搞好羊绒围巾吗?
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- [越缇纺织动态]丝巾定制礼品,中秋节的新意礼品!——越缇美2022年09月09日 16:38
- 明天就是我们的传统节日了,不知道有没有想好什么礼品呢?那么小编来给你介绍一个吧,那就是丝巾定制礼品! 你可能会问了,丝巾定制礼品要怎么定制,其实呢,我们在月饼礼盒里面也是可以搭配丝巾作为套装礼品的,那你可能会觉得丝巾是不是不好看啊,丝巾会不会档次比较低呢?这您就错了,丝巾也是分档次的,不同的丝巾体现出来的感觉是不同的!不同档次的丝巾用作礼品,体现出来的感觉也是不同的!而且我们也可以在丝巾上印上你自己的LOGO,让你的客户保留关于你的回忆!不仅如此,我们还可以在上面
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- [越缇纺织动态]Luxury scarves, why are they so expensive2022年09月08日 16:41
- Our outer packaging should be matched with the word "luxury". Luxury scarves should be customized from manufacturers in the yuan industry. In the future, if you only consider whether you can do them and do not consider other factors, you will find that there are many big and small things that affect your efficiency, your delivery, your products, your after-sales service, and so on. You don't need to worry about all kinds of problems when you cooperate with manufacturers in the yuan industry.
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- [越缇纺织动态]奢侈品围巾,为什么卖的这么贵——越缇美2022年09月08日 16:39
- 及其我们的外包装要配的上这个奢侈品三个字,奢侈品围巾,订制要选择zhuan业的厂家,日由于你只考虑能不能做,且不考虑其它的要素的话,你会发觉有许多大大小小的事儿在影响这个你效率,你的发货,你的产品,你的售后等等,各种问题你在和zhuan业的厂家合作时,不需要去担心的。
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- [越缇纺织动态]Cashmere scarlet long scarf, recommended by the manufacturer - yuetimei2022年09月07日 16:36
- When you order cashmere scarves, you need to be exquisite in workmanship. Because the price of cashmere is relatively expensive, it is also a cost for customers to find a design company that can arrange the layout design. Therefore, we choose to design the layout for customers for free. You give us the logo and we will design it for you!
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- [越缇纺织动态]羊绒大红长围巾,厂家给您推荐这款——越缇美2022年09月07日 16:34
- 大家订制羊绒大红长围巾,在做工上需要做到的是细腻,由于羊绒的价格是较为贵的,那么客户在寻找能够排版设计的设计公司,也是一笔花销,因此我们选择为顾客免费设计排版,您把logo给我们,大家给您设计!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Wool red scarf manufacturer, one-stop service system - yuetimei2022年09月05日 16:03
- Since it is a manufacturer of wool red scarves, the material of wool products also needs some confirmation, such as our composition, we have a real inspection report, or teach customers how to detect whether it is a real wool scarf, which is also a matching for a real manufacturer. These three kinds of scarves are all searched by customers, so for those who want to customize or wholesale, no matter what kind of customers, they must choose manufacturers with certain assurance before they dare to cooperate. Then, how do wool scarf manufacturers look at them in winter to know whether they have protection.
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