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Cashmere shawl scarf, LOGO embroidery in several steps -- Yuetimei

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扫一扫!Cashmere shawl scarf, LOGO embroidery in several steps -- Yuetimei扫一扫!
浏览:- 发布日期:2022-11-15 16:19:19【

Some time ago, the cold current came. At present, the weather in Zhejiang is a bit backward, but the weather is still cold early in the morning and late in the evening, so there are cashmere shawls and scarves to keep warm early in the morning and late in the evening. Some time ago, a customer asked us to customize a batch of cashmere shawl scarves, printed on the LOGO. Of course, it is easier for our scarf manufacturers to customize, but customers still have their own concerns!


It's better to sell cashmere shawls and scarves in winter, so how many steps do you need to customize your own LOGO on cashmere shawls and scarves? how much is it? The following small editor will sort it out for you. Although we have mentioned it before, we can continue to talk about it for you!


Cashmere shawl scarf, if you want to customize your own LOGO, what you need to do is to give us your LOGO file, and then give you your needs, such as what materials, what size, what color, and what process you want, and then we can give you samples. You just need to wait for us to sample your products and improve your needs, so simple! You can easily customize or customize the products you want, but you can also save design costs. We will set the layout for you and choose the things that are suitable for you! It can only save time and energy, but it can also save money. Do you think it's good?


How to customize your LOGO? Cashmere shawl scarf can also customize your LOGO. It is simple and fast. Who doesn't like it? Customized scarf, 24 hours waiting for your presence! With 12 years of experience in customizing scarves, we look forward to customizing your brand!










    【本文标签】:Cashmere shawl scarf LOGO embroidery in several steps -- Yuetimei